OHS Solutions
Tailored solutions for health, safety and injury management View SiD Projects“Refuel” lecturesSafety in Design
OHS Solutions has been a leader in training and facilitation on Safety in Design for many years.
Safe design is a strategy for preventing injuries and disease by considering hazards as early as possible In the planning and design process. Work Health and Safety legislation requires designers to identify hazards and implement controls during the design phase of the construction process. OHS Solutions provides:
- training on Safety in Design
- facilitation of Safety in Design review meetings
- review of Safety in Design procedures and templates.
Thank you for facilitating the Safety in Design Workshop … [having] sat through similar SiD workshops … you delivered the better session and your style was professional and interactive.
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SiD Projects
Founded in 2003, OHS Solutions is a premier provider of tailored work health and safety services.Work Health & Safety
OHS Solutions has provided a range of services to a varied clientele over many years.
Kevin was extremely knowledgeable and really managed to get across to the team the importance and awareness of WHS from the maintenance and construction point of view. Some of his points were really an eye opener to the team and he kept them engaged throughout the session.
Our services include:
- Health &Safety audits (including AS4801) and workplace inspections
- Policy and procedure review and creation, from WHS Manuals to a single Safe Work Procedure
- Safety in Design
- Training and facilitation including WHS awareness, manual handling, risk management, and tailored training for your organisation’s needs
- Ergonomic reviews
- Risk assessment
- Task analysis

OHS Solutions has a number of Registered Occupational Therapists with experience in medicolegal assessments across a range of medical conditions and jurisdictions.
We provide:
- A thorough assessment using valid standardised outcome measures
- Recommendations backed by evidence based practice
- Clear and logical reports including:
- Answers to any specific questions raised in the letter of instruction
- Tables allowing easy comparison with other expert recommendations
- Rational cost estimates
- Credible, confident witnesses
- Quality service including peer review prior to finalising
- Satisfaction guaranteed – if you feel we have not adequately answered a question from your letter of instruction, we will provide an addendum at no additional cost.

Deborah Hammond
Deborah Hammond and OHS Solutions have been at the forefront of providing Safety in Design services since the concept became a legal reality in 2011. As the initial creator of the Safety in Design course for Sydney University and Consult Australia, she has been providing advice to the construction industry on implementation within legal guidelines, best practice applications and innovation.
Deborah has facilitated safety in design reviews on a number significant projects including hospitals, aged care facilities, universities, hotels, residential developments and more. She has also reviewed safety in design systems and provided tailored training for a number of clients. She also provides expertise in Work Health and Safety systems.

Kevin Hammond
Kevin has also facilitated safety in design reviews on major infrastructure projects and regularly assists Deborah in other projects. He is often the first point of call for potential clients due to his expertise in property maintenance, construction and electrical and chemical safety. He also provides training of maintenance workers and safety inspections for clients.
Office information
Office hours: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm Monday – Friday
(our office closes between Christmas and New Year)
Phone: (02) 9744 8245 Email: administration@ohssolutions.
Mail: PO Box 95, Croydon NSW 2132